Elstar Electronic Co., Ltd

Category:   Distributor/sale agency
Product/service:   LED Lights
Key search terms:
  Elstar Electronic Co., Ltd, Distributor/sale agency, LED Lights, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, Guangdong , CN, China, https://www.elstarled.com,


Contact Information
Address:   Building C, Sanmin Industrial Park
    Building C, Sanmin Industrial Park
    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518000
Phone:   18928487830
Fax:   -
Email:   shallow@mmldigi.com
Web site:  


Contact person, title:


Daniel Zhou, Sales Director


Brief Summary

Total employee:   11 - 50
Total revenue:   $10 million
Elstar thrives on manufacturing superior quality products and customized solutions for brand owners, wholesalers and project contractors to ignite a lighter business.

Data entry by Daniel Zhou (shallow@mmldigi.com)
First entry on 2/6/2019, last update on 2/6/2019